Click on this link–Ch – 12 ( Time)
व्याकरण – पर्यायवाची शब्द
पाठ – 12
Class 2 | F.A.
Class 2 | F.A.
Ch – Money ( Worksheet)
STAY AT HOME, YOGA AT HOME, STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY In today’s class students practiced following activities:- Pawanmukta series Jumping-20 times Jumping jacks-20 times Knee drive – 20 times Side bending – 20 times On the spot jogging Butterfly Camel pose Tadasana Padhastasana Deep breathing Bhramari Clapping Om chanting
Class 2 | F.A.
Ch – money
Click on this link — Activity- 4 Click on this link for sums —- CH – MONEY , CLASS -2 Complete the given sums in maths notebook