Maths, EVS, Yoga and arts

In todays class number recognition from 1 to 30 and writing pattern of digit 11 and 12 has been done. In EVS revison of birds has been done In Arts coloring in butterfly will be done

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Music, story telling

Today we celebrate rainy day and activity related to rainy day has been done. In Music a new rhyme i hear thunder has been introduced and story telling has been done. Today’s Homework Maths-Write digit 6 in the worksheet booklet English – Write alphabet C in the notebook. <img src="×264.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="264" class="alignnone size-medium […]

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Maths, EVS, Arts and Yoga

In todays Maths class recognition and counting of numbers 1 to 20, writing pattern of digit 5 has been done. In EVS revison of animals lives in jungle and farm has been done. In Arts octopus has been done. Today’s Homework Maths-Write digit 5 in the notebook. English – Write alphabet H in the notebook.

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Maths, EVS, Arts and Yoga

In todays maths class recognition of numbers 1 to 20 and writing pattern of digit 4 has been done. In EVS introduction of vegetables has been done. In Arts coloring in fruits has been done Today’s Homework English – Write alphabet F in the notebook Maths – Write digit 4 in the notebook. EVS – […]

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Maths, EVS, Arts and Yoga

In todays maths class recognition of numbers 1 to 10 and writing pattern of digit 10 has been done. In EVS revison of animals who live in jungle has been done. In Arts coloring in mango pg no. 13 and peacock activity has been done. Today’s Homework English – Write alphabet E in the notebook. […]

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Maths, EVS, Arts and yoga

In todays Maths class recognition and counting of numbers 1 to 10, writing pattern of digit 7 and sun roll and color worksheet has been done. In EVS introduction of animals lives in jungle has been done. In Arts Dinosaur finger painting has been done. Today’s Homework Maths-Write digit 10 in the workbook.

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Puppet show and music

In todays class writing pattern of 1,7 and 9 and puppet show has shown to kids. In music class rhyme chubby cheeks has been done. Today’s Homework Eng write L, T and I in the notebook Maths Write 1,7 and 9 in the notebook.

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Sprout salad making

In todyas class formation of alphabet I and sprout salad making activity has been done. In music class new rhyme chubby cheeks has been done. Link for the rhyme Today’s Homework Write I in the notebook and write 9 in the notebook.

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English, Arts and lemonade Day

In todays class writing pattern of I has been discussed. In Arts draw and color a sun has been done. In lemonade day children were taught about how the make a lemonade and what are the uses of lemon and why should we drink lime water. Today’s Homework English – Write I in the workbook.

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English, Maths, Arts and Music

In todays class recognition and phonics sound of alphabet A to E and writing pattern of T and digit 9 has been discussed. In music a new rhyme ABC tumble down d and in arts tea pot coloring and carry bag has been done. Today’s Homework Eng-Write alphabet T in the book Maths – Write […]

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