Today practice of vyanjan द and draw and colour a दीया in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi – Do vyanjan in notebook.
Vyanjan द
Today introduction of vyanjan द in workbook pg no. 78 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 79 in workbook.
Vyanjan थ
Today practice of vyanjan थ and draw and colour a थैला in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do vyanjan in notebook.
Vyanjan थ
Today introduction of vyanjan थ in workbook pg no. 76 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 77 in workbook.
Vyanjan त
Today practice of vyanjan त and draw and colour a तितली in notebook and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do practice of vyanjan in notebook.
Vyanjan त
Today vyanjan ‘त’ has been introduced in workbook pg no. 74 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 75 in workbook.
Vyanjan ट-ण
Today vyanjan ट-ण in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 73 in workbook.
Vyanjan ण
Today vyanjan ण and exercises in workbook pg no. 70, 71, 72 has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do practice of vyanjan ण in notebook.
Vyanjan ढ
Today practice of vyanjan ढ in notebook and draw and colour a dhol in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do vyanjan in notebook.
Vyanjan ढ
Today vyanjan ढ in workbook pg no. 68 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 69 in workbook.