Today practice of vyanjan ड and draw and colour a डमरू in notebook and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do practice of vyanjan in notebook.
Vyanjan ड
Today vyanjan ड in workbook pg no. 66 has been introduced in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 67 in workbook.
Vyanjan ठ
Today practice of vyanjan ठ and draw and colour a ठेला in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do practice of vyanjan ठ in notebook.
Vyanjan ठ
Today vyanjan ठ has been introduced and practice of vyanjan in workbook pg no. 64 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 65 in workbook.
Vyanjan ट
Today practice of vyanjan ट in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do vyanjan ट in notebook.
Vyanjan ट
Today vyanjan ट in workbook pg no 62 has been introduced in the class. Book reading of vyanjan ट done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi – Do pg no. 63 in workbook.
Today revision of swar अ-अं , चित्र देख कर पहला अक्षर लिखो in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Revision of whole syllabus.
Today practice of चित्र देख कर पहला अक्षर लिखो in activity book pg no. 49 has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do book reading of swar and vyanjan.
Today practice of श्रुतलेख in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do book reading of swar and vyanjan.
Swar and vyanjan
Today practice of swar and vyanjan क-ञ तक in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 50 in activity book.