Today exercises related to अ-अं , क-ञ तक in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Learn hindi story शेर और चूहा।
Vyanjan क-ञ
Today practice of vyanjan क-ञ तक in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Learn vyanjan क-ञ।
vyanjan ञ
Today vyanjan ञ and चित्र देख कर पहला अक्षर लिखो in workbook pg no. 58,59,60 has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 61 in workbook.
Vyanjan झ
Today practice of vyanjan झ and draw and colour a झंडा in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do vyanjan झ in notebook.
Vyanjan झ
Today vyanjan झ has been introduced in workbook pg no. 56 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg 57 in workbook.
Vyanjan ‘ज’
Today practice of vyanjan ‘ज’ and draw and colour a जहाज in notebook and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do vyanjan ज in notebook.
Vyanjan ज
Today introduction of vyanjan ‘ज’ in workbook pg no. 54 and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do pg no. 55 in workbook.
Vyanjan छ
Today practice of vyanjan ‘छ’ and draw and colour छाता in notebook and book reading has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do छ in notebook.
Vyanjan छ
Today vyanjan छ has been introduced in the workbook pg no. 52. Homework for the day Hindi – Do pg no. 53 in workbook.
Vyanjan ‘च’
Today practice of Vyanjan ‘च’ and draw and colour a चांद in notebook has been done in the class. Homework for the day Hindi- Do practice of vyanjan in notebook.