STAY AT HOME, YOGA AT HOME, STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY In today’s class students practiced following activities:- On the spot jogging -20 times Jumping-20 times Jumping jacks-20 times Knee drive – 20 times Side bending – 20 times Arm circles – 20 times Tadasana- 1 time Padhastasana-1 time Butterfly Deep breathing Bhramari Simhasana Laughing Clapping
YOGA CLASS 26/4/21
STAY AT HOME, YOGA AT HOME, STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY In today’s class students practiced following activities:- On the spot jogging -20 times Jumping-20 times Jumping jacks-20 times Knee drive – 20 times Side bending – 20 times Arm circles – 20 times Tadasana- 1 time Padhastasana-1 time Butterfly Deep breathing Bhramari Simhasana Laughing Clapping
YOGA CLASS 19/4/21
STAY AT HOME, YOGA AT HOME, STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY In today’s class students practiced following activities:- On the spot jogging -20 times Jumping-20 times Jumping jacks-20 times Knee drive – 20 times Side bending – 20 times Butterfly Tadasana Padhastasana Deep breathing bhramari Simhasana Laughing yoga