Dussehra, also known as ‘Vijayadashami’, is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in the country. This festival marks the celebration of victory of Lord Rama over the demon King Ravana. To commemorate this occasion, a Dussehra celebration was organised by Paragon Convent School, Sector 24, Chandigarh on 4th October, 2022. After the students of classes II-III staged a short play on ‘Ramayana’, the guest of honour, our chairman sir, Mr. Sahibjeet Singh Sandhu, along with principal ma’am, Mrs. Rajni Dutta and vice- principal ma’am, Ms. Parv Sandhu Makkar, lit the effigy of Ravana. The burning of the effigy not only symbolised the victory of good over evil but also instilled the feeling of righteousness among the students.